Friday, November 26, 2010

Evaluation of blogging experience. Extra Credit

         I had used a blog before RTF305 for a European history course. It was similar in that we responded to prompt questions and we also commented on each other’s blogs to aid discussion. Its focus was to facilitate learning through research and discussion. It was extremely useful.

I really liked the blogs focusing on movies because I found that applying technical concepts of movie making to my own examples really helped me internalize the information and understand it. I also liked defining things in my own words via the blog because it made me really understand the concept and not just memorize a definition.

I didn’t really encounter any difficulties while using the blog. I thought the instructions were fairly simple and the prompts were not difficult to follow either. I’d used a blog before so I knew how to technically work it. I think blogger is fairly simple even if you haven’t had to use a blog before if you are fairly adept at computer use.

Because I’m a film major, I naturally felt that the film related blog prompts (for example the one where we had to find examples of Long shots, short shots/ close up, etc.) were very interesting and useful. I also thought the prompts relating to advertising were very interesting. I thought that the blogs about general terms such as “globalization” were a bit dull, but not difficult. I did not find any of the blog prompts difficult.

I would definitely recommend using a blog in any class. I think students spend an inordinate amount of time online so blogging is the next natural step in education. It’s good to put down original thoughts and an easy format for that is blogging.

I thought the prompts were all pretty relevant to the topic. I might suggest a central location online where everyone has their blog URL so students can read other student’s blogs. I would have liked to read what other people were posting about.

Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Globalization and the media

Defining Globalization: 

Globalization involves the increasing interconnectivity of separate nations in areas of business and trade. 

Globalization and cultural imperialism are inherently linked. Globalization is the causal factor that leads to cultural imperialism. Cultural imperialism comes from the idea of political Imperialism which reached its peak in the 19th century. Imperialism occurred as powerful countries conquered and colonized other countries. They claimed political sovereignty over said countries and took over economically as well as politically. The idea of Cultural Imperialism is similar in that it involves one country influencing another country by injecting the more powerful nation's culture into the other. This naturally involves the dissemination of the more powerful nation's ideals and principles into the other culture. Globalization allows Cultural Imperialism to exist in its current form. If not for the fairly open world trade market and increase of international communication through internet and other technological advancement, Cultural Imperialism could clearly not have the same wide reaching and influential effect. Cultural Imperialism may be a flawed term because countries are likely to take the ideas of other countries and adapt them based on their own understanding of the world. 

One example from the communications industry that shows globalization's massive effect on cultural imperialism is the popularization of MTV throughout the world. MTV was based in America and launched in 1981. Since then MTV has begun to operate in over 45 countries around the world including Ukraine, Indonesia, and Pakistan. MTV has 16 channels in the UK. Because MTV is American owned, western beliefs and culture are spread into other countries that have MTV. Globalization has allowed American corporations to own and produce television for dozens of other countries. MTV is just one example of globalization leading to cultural imperialism. 

Globalization is the 

Friday, November 5, 2010


Advertising has changed significantly in the last fifty years. Early ads printed their brand names in huge letters that you absolutely could not miss. Brands today have become trademarks to the extent that they hardly need to tell you the brand name at all. The image content is enough. I think that Burberry's advertising is extremely effective. The ad I picked is a Burberry Brit ad that features four young people, one of whom is Emma Watson. The color palette is neutral and the clothing is androgynous. Three of the four models wear khaki colored trench coats and the fourth wears a sweater.  The trademark Burberry print appears on scarves, the collar of Emma Watson's jacket, and on one models scarf. Instead of big print letters, Burberry relies on the fame of their classic print to advertise for them. The models all stare defiantly and directly at the camera with classic model pouts. The background is a wrought iron fence that does not take away from the models. The focus is the faces of the models. 

I think this ad is successful because the simplicity of its design. The models have interesting faces and seem to be challenging the viewer. Sort of like, "I'm British and awesome- how can you resist buying Burberry?" The neutral tones of color are very appealing and easy on the eyes. The photography is also very successful and I like the lighting.  The models are interesting and Emma Watson adds star power. Burberry ads do not scream at you to buy their product, it challenges you to resist. Viewers of this ad can easily come to the conclusion that if they resist joining the models in wearing all Burberry then they are the absolute antithesis of cool. This ad says, "We are young, beautiful, and British. You can be all these things too if you just join us and buy tre' cool, neutral toned clothing and stand around sulking". Who could resist that logic? 

Advertising Appeal: Sex, affiliation. 

Selling sex is an extremely effective method of advertising because the viewer's attention is instinctually drawn to the image. Essentially, sex appeal in advertising boils down to the fact that advertisers use attractive models to sell their products. Both males and females are impacted by this type of advertising. Also, sex appeal is effective across age groups. Sex appeal grabs the attention of the audience. It can be extremely explicit or more subtle. Affiliation is linking the audience viewer to whomever is in the ad. 


Though Burberry usually leaves its models mostly or completely clothed, they definitely lean on sex appeal for advertising. The models they pick elicit a certain amount of sex appeal. They are young, beautiful, and powerful. The photos they choose feature seductive poses and facial expressions. Emma Watson adds a level of affiliation to the ad. She is extremely famous from the Harry Potter movies and instantly recognizable. People want to buy the product because she is selling it.